Friday, April 10, 2020

Crown of Thorns

I stand before the cross of Christ 
Knowing that I nailed Him there
It is my sins that hold Him there 
He stays up there to pardon me 
And I know without a doubt 
I could never pay that price 
He looks down with love 
And I know He did this for me 
And it pierces me to the heart 
Because what did I ever do for Him? 
As tears run down my face 
And the guilt within builds up 
I hear the words I don’t deserve
Coming from my master's lips
“Father, forgive them for they 
Know not what they do” 
And a sob builds deep inside 
Because I know what I did 
But I can never know all I did 
And how many sins held Him there 
But I know one thing for certain 
Love held him there 
And in His dying words 
He forgave me from that cross 
And I don’t have to live in shame 
Baring a burden I cannot hold 
For He took it all with him 
To the cross on that hill
 And let it die with him 
And when He rose again 
That sin had no hold over me 
And I was free to live forevermore 
And as I stand before his throne
I give Him a crown of thorns 
He gives me a crown of life


  1. Mikayla;
    Thank You for this beautiful post.
    Wishing you and yours a Happy,Blessed and A Joyous Easter.

  2. Hi Mikayla;
    Hope all is well with you and yours. This is a beautiful and inspiring post.
    HAPPY EASTER To You and Your Family

    1. We are fantastic, thank you! <3
      Have a blessed Easter!!

  3. This is beautiful Mikayla and it brought tears to my eyes.

  4. This is incredibly powerful and beautiful. Thank you for sharing your writing with all of us ♥ Glory to the Lord on high!


    1. Thank you. This was something that was really on my heart this year. <3 Amen!


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