Saturday, July 17, 2021


I used to do these posts, and today I felt like resurrecting the old style in an abbreviated style. =) 

Currently, I am:  

Reading: Roseanna White's new book The Nature of a Lady. I have been enjoying reading another of her books. She has such amazing style, and these books to me just feel comforting. 

Watching: The Mysterious Benedict Society with my friend Kate as they come out each Friday. So far they have kept with the books fairly well and I have really enjoyed it! The use of colors is espechilly amazing. If you enjoyed the books, I would highly recceomnd watching it. 

Drinking: A lot of homemade Chai tea with honey! I'm trying to cut back on sugar right now (It had gotten to be an unhealthy habit), so when I am craving something sweet I whip up one of those. I also really love just water, sometimes with lemon in it. 

Writing: I am participating in Camp NaNoWriMo, and my goal is 30,000. I am trying to finish re-write my book Battle for Kelar. It has been way harder then I thought it would be, but I have enjoyed getting back into the story. 

Petting: Our three little puppys. It's hard to bealive that we only have them for one more month!

Crafting: A wind chime. My grandad gave me a tin of pressed pennys with little holes in them (Don't ask, even I don't know why he had them either), so my sister bought me the stuff to make a windchim. I've been working on it, and it's been really fun! 

Enjoying: Evenings at my job I got the chance to read Shadow by Kara Swonson the day it came out. I was working a job where the kids go to be halfway through the job, so I got to curl up on the couch and read for about an hour. It was lovely!

Listening: To The Sound of Music a lot. Some of the kids we watch are in a production and wow, I did not expect it to be that amazing. We ended up going to the production twice because it was so amazing.  

Celebrating: My sisters upcoming wedding! We are just two months away now, and things are starting to come together!

What have you been up to! 


  1. Mikayla Thank You for sharing your current doings. Roseanna White writes good and wholesome boks. have a wonderful week-end.

    1. My pleasure! Roseanna White books are so good!! you to!

  2. Hi Mikayla;
    The sound Of Music is one of our family's favorite movies. Roseanna White's books are very lovely. Enjoy the rest of your week-end.

    1. It is amazing! What version do you like? I really like the Carrie Underwood verison Have a good weekend!

  3. This was fun to read! Congrats on your sister's engagement + upcoming wedding. I'm sure you're all very excited. :D

    1. Thanks! I'm really excited to her! It's going to be fun. =D

  4. I love Roseanna M. White’s writing style so much!!


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