This was an insainly busy month. I cannot believe we packed so much in and Decemeber is just getting busier.
This was my tenth NaNoWriMo! Honestly, this was one of my favorite NaNo’s yet. I challenged myself to write 2k a day instead of the 1,667 words you have to, so I was able to take every Sunday off without ever falling behind. It also came a lot easier than I have ever had before. I rarely found myself at a lack of words, just a lack of time. I wrote during a lot of late nights, car trips, and between events. I also got to have a few writing parties with my sister Grace, and my friend Hannah! I came out with a complete Novella, some poetry, and a handful of short stories, including my (apparently annual now) Star Trek Fan fiction!
I got bored one day at an event, so Rebekkah showed me some of the basics of knitting. I was amazed at how much fun I had! This probably isn’t going to become a new hobby, but I’ve had fun practicing. Rebekkah’s lets me use the end of her string a lot as long as I take it out when I’m done. I did make a perfect little one-inch square that she let me keep and that made me insanely happy. XD
I’m not really into puzzles, but I got the Mysterious Benedict Soucity puzzle book and stayed up late after doing NaNo to finish it one night. I normally don’t stick with puzzles that long, so I was so excited when I cracked the final code and was able to get my certificate online. That was fun!
Sarah and I finished Star Trek Deep Space Nine. It was very bittersweet because it was the last new show I had that we were going to watch together. We always have re-watching, but still, it’s not the same. Anyway, it was fun to watch together, even if the ending was not super satisfying. Now we just have to decide what show to watch together next!
Our kitten Shadow. |
So for a few months, Rebekkah and I trained to run in a 5K. I am not a natural runner, but I had gotten to where I could run a fair bit of it and I was pretty happy about it. It had been nice and warm up until the day of the race. Actually, it had been 80 the day before, and it dropped to 40 the day of. So we drove to the Zoo with chattering teeth, and about five minutes in… I had some of the worst leg cramps in my life. So we managed to run a bit, but mostly it was walking/limping. We never figured out if it was the cold, dehydration, or what, but anyways, we still had fun. Rebekkah was super epic and stayed with me even though she could have run ahead and we got free entry into the Zoo after, so that was fun!
We decorated for Christmas over the course of a week (We have a LOT of decorations), but when the day we were supposed to decorate our tree came Sarah and Scott surprised us by coming for the evening! I had been really sad that so much of the family was gone, so it was just about the best surprise. <3
I had to get a lot of cavities filled, so we just went in and got them all done at once. I am so grateful to have it done, and I’m hoping to never have to do that again. It was hard to chew for two weeks solid and that’s not an experience I want to repeat. On the awesome side, I now should have much less discomfort eating hot and cold foods!
I decided to make a lot of my own Christmas presents this year, so I spent a few evenings binging crafting. One night I watched straight through Enola Holmes and Enola Holmes 2 while working on it. Movies and painting is such good therapy.
For Thanksgiving, we were able to get about two-thirds of the family together, which was awesome! I missed having the whole family, but we still had a delightful time. We had a lovely meal, and then just all sat around talking and catching up with each other. <3
Us at the top of Enchanted Rock. |
We have a tradition of going to Fredericksburg every year around Christmas, so we made it a girl's trip. We did some shopping, had epic Tex-Mex, and then we hiked Enchanted Rock. It was a beautiful day, and it was awesome because my mom fought her fear of highths and made it all the way to the top with us! We enjoyed the top, then got hot chocolate and looked around at Christmas lights on the way home playing a very long version of the alphabet game. Believe me, you are never too old for that game.
Because we were prepping for our annual Christmas cookie party, Rebekkah and I spent a lot of time baking cookies. We spent one whole day baking, and so we put the Netflix Carmen Sandiago show in the background, which was awesome (we were trying desperately to finish it before my subscription ran out). We had a lot of fun, killed our feet standing that long, and managed to somehow double an already doubled recipe so we spent three hours baking those off. We took a huge plate to our community night, served them at the party, and we still have a lot. XD
My favorite new read was The Mysterious Benedict Puzzle book, and my favorite re-read was Grace by Contract. The only book I didn't enjoy from the month was On the Edge of the Dark Sea of Darkness. It just wasn't my style.
Star Trek Deep Space Nine: Sarah and I finished watching through this. Overall, it was my least favorite of the three series I've seen, but I did enjoy it. Dr. Bathsheer was by far my favorite character, and I enjoyed his ending.
Merlin: I had seen this show around for a long time so I decided to give it a try and watched the first season. It was cute, and I enjoyed the characters a lot. But the magic was a bit much, and I didn't like it enough to continue it.
Enola Holmes 1&2: They came out with the second movie, so Kate and I watched it together. I was super impressed. The mystery kept me guessing, and the character development was amazing. I ended up re-watching them again on my own and I cannot wait until they release a third.
Carmen Sandiego: Rebekkah and I re-watched this show. While it's not what I thought of as Carmen Sandiego as a kid, I enjoyed it, and it was very well done.
Finding Father Christmas and Engaging Father Christmas: These were adorable. I'm a sucker for a good hallmark, but the ones that don't make you gag are few and far between. This was a sweet movie with good characters, without a lot of unnecessary drama in a lot of hallmarks.
Aladdin: I have never seen the animation, and honestly never been interested, but after hearing a lot of the music from the live-action I wanted to watch it and was pleasantly surprised. I haven't seen a sweet, clean Disney live-action in a long time so it was comforting to know they still make them, even if I didn't agree with everything in the movie.
The Christmas Card: This is by far my favorite Christmas movie. It is just delightful from beginning to end. <3
Mcgee and Me: Classics, these never fail to warm my heart and make me want to do better. The simple conviction in these stories was amazingly well done and now I want to rewatch the whole show.
It was a crazy month, but I enjoyed it too. How was your November?