Saturday, July 18, 2020

The Mystery Blogger Award

I was tagged by Katja to do the Mystery Blogger Award! I also picked up Kate's questions, cause they were fun. It's been a while since I've done a tag like this, so this should be fun!

Katja questions: 

1. How many notebooks do you think you own? 
Ha, I have no idea. Maybe 20 empty and about three full? I don't actually keep full notebooks, just pages from them. My notebooks are more for writing letters or scribbling ideas in that I just input into the computer.

2. What's your favorite male name and your favorite female name? 
Well, I can't say I've really thought about it that much. I really like the name David, and honestly, I don't know for girl's names. I really like Kate and Amanda. I have fond memories attached to those names.

3. What is your passion? Your driving passion? 
My passion is really to live a life that honors God and to show His love to others.

4. Chicken burgers and fish sticks... with or without breadcrumbs? 
With. It makes chicken delicious, and it's the only thing that could make fish sticks palatable.

5. Any opinion on poetry, specifically classical poetry? 
As all my readers probably know, I love poetry. I've written poetry since I was about 12, and really got into when I was 16. But classical poetry? Not my thing. I have tried several different authors and... mostly just ended up board. Or confused. Metaphors are not my thing, and most poetry uses them really heavily.

Kate's questions: 

What is one song that makes you happy every time it comes on?
Speak Life by Toby Mac is always a guaranteed smile, but for some reason the song I always turn to when I just need a smile is the theme from Greatest American Hero. I don't really like that show, but the song has some really fond memories, and it's just fun and happy.

What is the weirdest thing you’ve ever baked?
Um, those little shrink plastic toys? I'm not much of a baker. I'd rather be cooking.

What is one book you’ll never forget?
Dear Mr. Knightley by Katherine Reay and Rainbow Garden by Patricia St. John. Sorry, I had to do two. These are two of the most impactful books in my life.

Orange Julius or lemonade?
Neither? I do not like lemonade, and I just don't love orange juice.

What is your favorite graphic novel or comic book?
I don't really have one. I feel like I've read one, but I don't really make a habit of it.

This was really fun! If anyone wants to do it, feel free to! Or answer some of the questions in the comments!


  1. Loved reading this post!! I've been tagged for this award twice now but haven't yet gotten around to answering the questions. 😂

    1. Thank you! Haha, it's been over a month since I was tagged for this, so it took me a bit. XD

  2. Now that was fun!! The baked toys just made me laugh xD Thanks for doing the tag!

    1. Thank you for tagging me to do it! Haha, I'm glad! XD


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