Saturday, May 4, 2019

April Highlights

Hello everyone! I am so excited to be doing my first real post on this blog! So here are my April highlights!

Participated in Camp NaNo, and wrote 10,000 words. I didn't get nearly as much done as I wanted in my story, but I did meet my goal.

So. Much. Weeding. But really, I loved it. 

I listened to Defy while water marbling. I recently discovered water marbling and I love it. 

I went to the dentist again, this one ended up being not so great, so we kind of just ignored all his advice. ;P  

I tried my hand at lemon pound cake. It turned out surprisingly well!

It was my Grandpa Leroy's birthday. He's in a nursing home, so we drove up to see him and spent the day with him. 

We went to an amazing passion play, and then we had our Passover celebration. On Easter, we spent the whole day together at church, and then just chilling. Passover and Easter are my favorite holidays, so it was a really good weekend. 

I went to bible study with my sister Grace, and we had a late night fries run afterward. 

I registered for two events happening in six months. One a bubble run (I've never done one before, but they had free registration and it looked fun), and I registered to go back to the Gospel concert I attended last year.

My whole family went bowling. We found a great deal which included the food and went. I made two strikes, ate a ton of pizza, and had a blast. We had never been as a whole family before, so it was really fun to do. 

My sister Rose and I went to the beach for a couple of days, which was the best. I rode my first Ferris wheel, swam a ton in the ocean, rode the ferries, went to the Moody Gardens, and we ate ice cream on the beach.

My favorite was probably my re-read of Defy, and my least favorite The Treasure of Secret Cove, though I liked all the books I read this month.

New Routine Stories by Firefly
Spring Pen Pal Ideas A Farmgirls Life
Internet Friends of The Left-Handed Typist

How was your month? 


  1. Sounds like April was a good month. :) I wrote. A lot. And I babysat my 7 nieces and nephews for 3 days. ("And three nights!" to quote my 4-year-old niece who was quite excited about it all.) I worked as an election judge for a very dull and boring election. (Seriously, the only things on the ballot were school board and a tax continuance!) What else did I do? Oh, I had a birthday. :) So it was a good month.

    1. It was a very good month, thanks! That's awesome! Aww, that sounds really fun! Yeah, my mom and sister were election judges, and it was soooo dull around that place sometimes. Well, happy belated birthday!

  2. I need to continue reading Tricia Mingerink’s books! I enjoyed Dare when I read it a while ago.

    1. Her books are great! I really loved her latest short story collection.


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