Monday, May 27, 2019

Five Books I’m Re-reading this Summer

I've been wanted to do some re-reading of books lately, so I thought I would make a summer reading list and share it with y'all! I had to really limit myself because I wanted to re-read so many, but I figured five was a good limit. After all, I have a whole shelve on top of my desk of books that I own and haven't read. Lol. ;) 

Note: all the links will take you to the books Goodreads page.

Martin Hospitality by Abigayle Claire
This book has such a beautiful summery feel and amazing message.

Wings of a Dream by Anne Mateer

Such. A. Beautiful. Book.

A Name Unknown by Roseanna White
This book stole my heart last year, and I wanted to re-read it as soon as I was done the first time.

Becoming Nikki by Anne Elliot
This book is about siblings, which makes it pretty awesome by itself, but its also got great themes. <3

Illyon Chronicles by Jaye L. Knight
My sister and I are reading through these together. It’s my second time and her first. =)

So what are some books you want to re-read this summer? Have you read any of these? 


  1. Happy reading Mikayla you look so pretty in the photo on the right.

  2. Enjoy your re reads. Love that new photo of you.

  3. I love rereading! My TBR this year is almost all rereads... I haven’t read any of the five you mention, but I’ve heard of each one and they sound so good. ;)


    1. Ohhh, that's so fun! You would probably like Wings of a Dream. It's a historical fiction with one of the sweetest romances I've read.


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