Friday, July 19, 2019

I Am Really Good at Hiding

When I was five, one of my family members hurt my feelings. I have no idea what it was about, but I went into my closet and crawled behind all the clothes. They came in and tried to talk to me, but I wouldn't talk to them.

I was really good at hiding even then.

When I was sixteen, I learned that books were a really good place to hide too. I had a really hard month, and I learned that in books I could hide. I could get away from everything.

Today, I don't hide in my closet so much as my room. And I still use books, but a lot of times they are just ones I'm writing in my brain.

I use these things to hide from things every day. I have gotten to be really good at hiding. I hide from conversations I don't want to have. Things I don't want to hear. Emotions I don't want to feel. My conscious yelling in my ear.

The problem with hiding is that it feels very right when I'm doing it. Until recently, I had never really stopped to consider how much hiding hurt me and the people around me. The biggest problem is the way it interferes with my relationships. I have taught myself to hide from everything so much that I now have to fight to stay in the open.

This gets in the way of how I interact with people, God, and my work. It hurts people when I run. It hurts my relationships, and it hurts me.

Hiding seems to innocent until I really stop to investigate it. I never want to have people tell me I just run away from things, hiding in my own little world until I think it's "safe."

I was reading in Act's this week about the apostles, and how some of them were preaching in a city, and were mocked, and persecuted, but they just stayed. They kept doing what they were supposed to do. 

That's what I want to be. And I know I'll never get there without God's help. God never told anyone to hide from hurt. He just providing shelter inside the storm.

By hiding, I am basically telling God that I don't think His shelter is enough.

I don't know about you, but that's really not how I want to be acting every day. Staying is hard, but so are dealing with the consequences of my problems.

I don't want to hide anymore. I'm tired of running away from my problems and from lessons, God is trying to teach me into the storm.

What about you?


  1. Oh, wow, this is amazing and exactly what I needed to hear today! Awesome post, Mikayla!

  2. Wow, what a great reminder. This especially hit me hard --> "By hiding, I am basically telling God that I don't think His shelter is enough". What an important thing to think about- thanks for sharing, Mikayla! xx

  3. "I don't want to hide anymore." <33

  4. This post is amazing.

    I saw the title and I was like "so am I".

    I don't want to hide any more either!

    Thanks, girl! <3


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