Friday, July 12, 2019

June Highlights || Giveaway Winner

My June was really awesome, one of the biggest things being able to go to Oklahoma with my sister. 
(Giveaway winner announced at bottom of post)

I got sick and spent a lot of time reading, watching Emergency, and cuddling some kittens we found.

I went shopping four times with my sisters and mom. One time my sister Grace and I just walked around Walmart for an hour, picking out a gift for a friend of mine. =)

First thing one morning, I took a bike ride. It was awesome to be out that early on my bike. The only problem was that I was exhausted for the whole day afterward. ;D

My Mom took me to a river and we sat watching the water and ducks together. It was amazing.

I spent a lot of time sorting photos and listening to books. I don't love going through photos, but I love listening to books, so it balanced out.

We opened up our pool again, which has been so. much. fun.

I decided to make my own book sleeve. So following this tutorial, I made two, though one of them I adjusted down the size to fit a Nancy Drew perfectly. I don't know why I waited so long to make these, because they are awesome.

One of my books, Just Your Ordinary Sister, has been on and off my "currently writing" list for three years now. This month I finally sat down and finished it off. Then I promptly went in, bouncing up and down and screaming with excitement to my sister. ;D

I drove with my sister to Oklahoma so she could meet with friends. It really meant I got two days with sixteen hours in the car to talk to Rose. We read most of a book together and drank a whole lot of tea and poweraid. I had the awesome experience of meeting the main actor/producer of my favorite movie (The War Withen), Brett Varvel. I got to drive two hours on the way home and got on my second only highway, and it was all in the pouring rain. It was a surprisingly good experience.

It was my sister Sarah's birthday, so we had a party which involved hamburgers and water balloons. That's just a recipe for fun. I had a blast (I'm just assuming everyone else did to) and ended up staying up until 11 playing Wii with my siblings after most everyone else had left.

My favorite book I read this month was The Number of Love. It was beautiful. =D 
My least favorite was Time Will Tell. It sadly fell short of most of Anne Mateer's books.

Recent Art A Farm girls Life
Why I Love Journaling Totally Graced
Voted Most Likely Blogger Tag Read Another Page
1'st Year of College in Review Sunshine and Scribblers
Plate Update and My Summer Reading Stack Once Upon An Ordinary

Thank you so everyone who entered my giveaway! The winner was Rebekah Morris! Congradulations!! I'll be emailing you about your prize soon!

How was your month? Do you have a book sleeve? Do you like biking?


  1. June was good. I got a lot of writing in which was nice since I'd kind of slacked off after Camp NaNo in April and the finishing up of two novels.
    I do like bike riding. If it's not to hot. My nieces and nephews are old enough now that when they want to ride I'll get my bike out and ride with them. :)
    I'm glad to know you enjoyed my blog post. :) It was rather fun to do.
    And I still can't believe I won! *rubs hands and thinks of all the books I want to get* :) Thank you!

    1. That's awesome! I loved getting writing done. =)
      Lol, I'm so used to Texas where it's riding while it's hot or not at all. ;) That's awesome!
      *High five* I hope you enjoy it!


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