Saturday, July 4, 2020

June Highlights

Happy Independence Day!! June went by both slowly and super fast. Not sure how that happened. XD But it was a good month!

I watched Frozen 2 with my sister Grace. I was insanely disappointed. But I also had a virtual movie party with my friend Micaiah and watch High School Musical, which is always fun. =D And I watched Toy Story 2, which was fantastic!

Grace and I were sitting by a pool and... well, I mean the family had invited us to use the pool whenever we wanted while we were dog sitting, so we just jumped in. XD It is easier to swim in a skirt then you would think.

I got to go back to the zoo for the first time since March, which was awesome! I really missed the zoo these past couple of months.

My sister Grace and I stopping for every sunset. XD

My sister Rebekkah and I played eight games of Ticket to Ride London in one day. We decided we should go ahead and buy the full version of it so all us siblings could play it. We found it for a great deal on eBay and our family is having a lot of fun playing it now.

I got to babysit some awesome kids, which was fun after so long of not watching them. I had little boys dragging me to the creek so they could sit on mossy rocks, and them some of the girls I watched thought me to ride a hoverboard. I'd like to point out, they hoverbaords are on wheels, so it's kind of misleading. ;D But we had a great laugh as I struggled to stand up on the board, and the four year old was very proud of me when I finally got the hang of it. XD

We sold the last of the puppies. That was bittersweet since it was a lot of fun to have the puppies around, but on the other hand, it's given us a lot of time to spend with Ranger.

Ranger! <3

The Saharan dust has come. It causes headaches, grainy eyes, general tiredness, and a sky that looks white instead of blue. =P Thankfully it should be gone soon!

We had lunch in the park, and a squirrel came up to me, so I gave it a fry (don't worry, the little guy never touched me, just the fry). It was awesome. By time we left, I had shared fries with eight squirrels. It was pretty epic and funny.

My sister Sarah had a birthday! We celebrated with a lot of games, pool time, and tacos. ;)

My young adults group went Kayaking! It was only the second time I've been kayaking, and it was really fun. I got soaking wet, but I had a blast.

So I re-read the whole Emily Abbot series, which was awesome! My favorite new book I read was a toss-up between Anomaly and The Retrievers. My least favorite was probably Revolutionary. I still need to write a review for that. ;)

Lost or Found Fifth out of Ten 
Heartstorm Once Upon an Ordinary
Way's to Art Journal A Farm Girl's Life
The Quarantine Diaries II Totally Graced
Window Fellow Release Stories by Firefly 
In All of the Changes, Grace Remains All I Know is Grace

How was your month? Do you have any plans for this month?


  1. Fun, fun! I enjoyed reading about your month. :) The Emily Abbott series is AMAZING. <3 <3 <3
    Thanks for sharing, and happy Independence Day to you as well!


    1. Thanks! It really is! Which book was your favroite? I really loved Five Star Spy, but I have trouble picking a favrotie. XD
      I hope you have a fantastic day!

    2. Ooh, same. Picking favorites is SO HARD. I really like the first and last books of the series, and all the ones in between . . . Ahh, I've just decided there's no way I have *a* favorite. xD
      Thanks, you too! <3

    3. Yep, they are all pretty awesome. =D

  2. Hi Mikayla,
    You had a very active and interesting June. Hope you had a safe and happy 4th of July.
    HAPPY BIRTHDAY MIKAYLA Have a wonderful,blessed year.

    1. Thank you! We had a really fun 4'th! =D
      Thank you so much!! <3

  3. Thank You for the June highlights. You sure had a busy month. Wishing you a blessed birthday. Have a year of happiness and blessings. God Bless.

  4. The Emily Abbott series is so good! (I may or may not have read the seven of them in two days.)

    1. It really is awesome! Haha, sounds like a good two days. ;D

  5. Sounds like a fun month, Mikayla!! <33 So happy for you!


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