Saturday, May 8, 2021

April Highlights

April was absolutely packed, and it just flew by because of that!

My dad had surgery to correct a pinched nerve in his back. Thankfully it went very well, but recovery is going to take quite a while. While he was at the hospital my sister and I had a movie binge party to help with the stress. 

My sister and I continued helping our friends move by painting, kid wrangling, and organizing. It was really fun. They are now moved, so we've been able to step back from that for a bit. 

My family celebrated Passover twice this year because we had two different families who wanted to share it with us, so we did a night for each. That is always a lot of fun. =D I was not as into this year as normal, but I did enjoy it. After that, we had a great family Easter at church and Mexican food lunch. <3 This was our first Easter getting to celebrate with my sister Sarah's boyfriend, Scott, so that was extra fun. =)

Our family on Easter! From left to right: Rebekkah, my dad, Rose, Scott, Michael (rear), Sarah, Grace (rear), my mom, and me. =) 

My sister's goat had twins! They are Nigerian Dwarf goats, so they are the cutest little things ever. <3

I met up with Hannah Wright (Her debut novel comes out this month). She and I ate lunch together and explored my hometown a bit. That was really fun! 

I officially became a member of my church this month. This has been a long process for me for a lot of reasons. I was very attached to a church when I was younger, and leaving it did not go well. My family ended up just having church at home for a very long time before we found the church I am part of now. It's been three years since I started attending, and I have found such an epic community. I cannot believe God led me to such a good place after such a rough ride getting here. <3 

So since my dad had back surgery we had to get a shorter dining table. Good news, our old table was getting pretty old, and having a lot of issues anyway. So my sister, mom, and I went to pick one out from Ikea, and we found just what we wanted. The only catch: they only had it available in San Antonio, which is 2 1/2 hours from us. We decided to go ahead and pick it up, so we drove there, arriving home at nine at night with a new table and chairs. We assembled it the next day, and now we have a nice, normal highth table, which is weird after having a super tall one for so long!

My sister Rebekkah, Mom, and I are trying to explore more of the cool places around us, so we went to Zilker Botanical gardens. It was awesome! I nearly froze because I dressed for spring weather, and it was just over thirty degrees that morning. XD 

My family went on a short family vacation (four days), to the coast. The day before us girls had a bit of a home spa day while watching a movie just to chill. For the first day, we went to the Houston Natural History Museum, which was epic. It had a giant globe, a pendulum clock, so many interesting gems/rocks, and a planetarium. I was not as much a fan of the dino and Egyptian displays, but my family enjoyed them. ;) For the next three days, we rode the ferry a lot because they have amazing dolphin watching on them. I saw a baby dolphin for the first time!! We swam in the ocean, ate at some great restaurants, flew kites, and played some family games. It was a really good vacation!

It was a slow reading month due to all my work. The three on top were new reads and The Shadowfeilds was my favorite! It was a sweet, slow book that I just loved. My favorite re-read (of two) was The Unexpected Request by Rebekah Moris. 

It was a bit of a slow movie month too, which was rather nice! 

Rise of the Guardians: One of my all-time favorite animations. It has the most incredible plot, and it fires my imagination. 

Lego Movie 2: This is one of my comfort movies. I love it so much and watch it when I need a pick-me-up. 

Little Dogs on the Prarie: this is a childhood favorite that I and my siblings enjoyed rewatching. It is humorous but carries a good point, even for adults. 

Zorro with Duncan Regehr: This is my favorite Zorro ever (and I've seen a lot). He doesn't kill, and the show has really good morals. 

Mission Impossible: Y'all already know my thoughts on this show. It's epic. 

The Chosen: Season 2 episodes 1-3. This was my first time watching a live stream of a show, so it was really cool. I have loved the new episodes. <3 

Star Trek DS9: I tried out a bit of (censored) DS9. It's not my favorite, but I do like the characters. 

Battle Star Galactica: (Old TV show) This show was a childhood favorite, so I rewatched the pilot with my sister. It's got some content I did not enjoy, but it did make me sob at the end of the pilate (if you know, you know). 

I really did not make time to read blog posts this month, so I don't have anything to put here. 

So yeah, my month was crazy busy (I couldn't fit it all one here or you would be here forever), but it was also very good. How was your month? 


  1. Your family vacation sounds really fun, especially seeing a baby dolphin! I've never been to an Ikea. That sounds fun too. I'm glad your dad's surgery went well!

    1. It really was! =D Ikea is awesome. I mean, it's massive and if you go in it takes an hour just to walk out, but its great. XD I love funuture shopping so its a happy place for me.
      Thank you! <3

  2. I loved meeting up with you, that was so much fun and a highlight of my month! My month was pretty busy too with preparing to move! A highlight was celebrating Easter with my family! And I've loved watching The Chosen too!



    1. It was really fun, we'll have to do it again sometime! Aww, how fun! Easter is one of my favorite holidays. =)

  3. Glad your Dad's surgery went well. Wishing him blessings for a speedy recovery. You had a busy April. I love the floral outfits you and your sister' are wearing. The skirt you and Rebekkah have on are so pretty. Thank You for sharing your April highlights. God Bless.

    1. Thank you! Rebekkah actually made those dresses for both of us. <3 My pleasure! thanks for stopping by!

  4. Hi Mikayla;
    You sure had a busy month of April. Your reading looks like a very good choice of books. We planted some flower seeds and purchased Geraniums and Pansies. The latter ones are full of flowers. The Lily Of The Valley flowers are just starting to come out. Have a great week Hope your dad will soon be 100%.

    1. Hey!
      Haha, I'm really just picking up what I feel like reading. XD Ohh, how fun! I love flowers. <3 Thank you so much. <3

  5. Wow, sounds like an awesome month, girl :) I need to try the Zorro movie.

    1. Thanks! Zorro is epic. This one in a TV series, but it is definitley worth watching.


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