Saturday, January 8, 2022

December Highlights

This was the most packed month of the year. I'm still recovering from that rush!

We went to see the Chosen's Christmas spechil in theaters as a family. That was fun! I enjoyed the music, but my favorite part was the episode showing another side to the nativity story. I had to run out right after the end of the movie to get to work, but it was 100% worth it. 

We made and decorated a TON of cookies for our annual Christmas cookie party. It was fun to make all the cookies. The party itself was very well attended. I spent most of the party holding one of the most content baby's ever, just chilling out. Best way to spend a party. 

When you live in Texas snowman are few and far between so I bought a fake snowman kit on sale at Hobby Lobby, which turned out to be even more fun then I expected. =)

We managed to squeeze in a trip to the zoo admits all the crazy holiday happenings, which was really fun. My sister and her husband were there on a date and so we got to see them for a bit! 

I was very rushed on gifts this year. I'm not sure how I was always so behind, but Sarah and I had several days at her apartment where we worked on gifts together. I stayed up till midnight more then once working on gifts, and watched several movies with Rebekkah while wrapping them all. I custom painted two boards that took me 16 hours total and I am sincerely hoping that next year is more chill. XD

My family took our annual trip to San Antonio, going to the Alamo Cafe, the missions, and the river walk. The lights in SA are just amazing, so I always enjoy walking around and seeing them. When we got home my brother was switching to nights for his job, so I stayed up late with him and played Wii. 

I got to hand deliver some gifts to kids I babysit, which is always one of my favorite things during the holidays. My mom and I went on a day to deliver gifts before exploring Austins largest library branch which has five glorious floors of books and displays. It is pure heaven for a book lover. They have reading nooks on every floor, a store, restaurant, and a garden on the roof complete with a full sized tree. 

We celebrated Christmas a bit early to acomedate work schedules, and had a lovely day. We do a gift exchange so we don't get inundated with gifts, so that was fun. This was our first year with Scott joining us, so that was awesome. <3 We had a nice meal, and took a long walk before playing some games together. 

I went to Christmas Eve service with my family. I slide in right after I got off work, and then we went and walked around a light display in Round Rock. =) 

My sister gave me a haircut, which is the shortest I've ever had it, but I'm loving some of the things I can do with it! 

I was in my first wreck, and thankfully it was a very small one. Someone pulled into my lane suddenly causing me to rear end them, and thankfully Sarah was right around the corner because I was very shaken up. But the insurance delacred it not my fault, and in the end all I have is a healthy apreachaition for slowing down sooner then I think I need to and a little scratch on the front of my car. 

I took my niece to buy a little bunny. Wow, if you have never held a little bunny, you are missing out cause that thing was CUTE. If I didn't have three dogs and two cats, I would have considered getting one myself. XD

My favorite new read was A Christmas Carol which was both amazing and a bit haunting, but I loved it. My favorite re-read was Live Without You. <3

Finding Father Christmas and Arthurs Chrismas are new favorites. <3 I was unimpressed by The Peanuts Movie, K.C. Undercover, a while I liked Austin and Ally, it lacked really good humor. The Christmas card is always my favorite Christmas movie. <3

How was your month? And Christmas?


  1. Sounds like lovely month (except the wreck!! Scary 😳🙏), and I think I will have to try a snowman kit sometime. ❤️ Happy January!

    1. It really was, (Except the wreck. XP) They are really fun! I played with it for three days before finally letting it go. XD

  2. Sounds like you were busy but had fun! My Christmas was great! This was our first Christmas with a sis-in-law, and she's so much fun! They also brought her little white dog over and he loved exploring our house! (We've never had a dog in the house before so it was fun and new. XD)I watched Arthur Christmas last year and it was so fun. My favorite Christmas movie is the Muppet's Christmas Carol. :) Someday I want to go to y'all's Christmas party!

    Happy New Year!


    1. It really was great, but very busy! That's awesome! Getting used to dogs in the house is always interesting, but fun. I've gotten really good at hiding shoes since my dog moved inside. XD
      I was surprised I had never seen Arthur Christmas before, it was so cute!
      I hope you can come next year. <3

  3. Thank you Mikayla for the December highlights. I had a nice Christmas. I received lots of books and other presents,too. Sorry about your accident. Once I was waiting in line for the light to turn green A car came out of a side street and tried to go around my car and clipped my back fender. They did not even stay to wait for the police to arrive. Glad that you were not hurt. Mikayla wishing you and your family a Happy and Healthy New Year. God Bless.

    1. Ohh, that's awesome! I only got one book, but it was from a dear friend, so it's preicous. <3
      Ugg, that's horrible. I'm so sorry. <3 I hope your car wasn't damaged to badly. It's always so frustrating the whole process of dealing with that.
      Happy new year. <3

  4. Hi Mikayla;
    Mikayla your hair looks lovely and you look very pretty with the shorter hair. I loved reading your post. Very interesting. We had a few inches of snow last Friday but most of it is gone. I had a nice Christmas. We were so behind this year that we couldn't do all the decorating we usually do. Received many gifts including a lot of books in a variety of subjects.
    Have a HAPPY,HEALTHY 2022.
    God Bless

    1. Aww, thank you! I'm still getting used to it, but discovering some fun things I can do with it so short! Ohh, that's awesome! I know snow is messy, but I love it. XD
      I feel you there, we decorated late ourselves and didn't even get it all up. XP Oh, fun!
      Happy new year!

  5. It's so odd to feel like I learned a lot from this post. I hate that illness and stuff have kept us apart so much of late. Also, I'm going to need to watch more Christmas movies next year. I only watched one, and that was while I was distracted baking. It didn't feel like the Christmas season without watching The Christmas Card

    1. I know. *Sobs* We really do. I miss watching It's a Wonderful Life with you. <3 We'll do better this coming year.

  6. Hi Mikayla! Good to hear from you. I'm so sorry about the wreck! I'm glad you're okay.

    Alright, so there's a library in Austin with five floors of books??? Now I'm going to have to move down there with sister lol.
    Oh yes, we've held bunnies before, and they are just the cutest! I hope you niece enjoys hers.

    My family loves Arthur Christmas, and Finding Father Christmas was a good movie too. Thank you for this fun post, and Happy January! I hope your week is filled with many blessings :)

    P.s I love your haircut. It's super cute!

    1. Thank you!

      Yeah, it is epic! If you ever get down in this area, you should definitely check it out!

      Aww, that's awesome! I hope your year is awesome!


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