Friday, October 2, 2020

September Highlights

Wow, so September was packed. I felt like it was really the beginning of getting back to normal as I worked, and got to go to real events. But also it was the end of summer, of lots of free time, and held some kind of hard stuff. 

So at the beginning of the month, I was working four days a week. Not gonna lie, that had me pretty stressed. I felt like I was running back and forth to work every day, plus trying to fit in other events. I'm not super good at time management. =P Well, about three weeks into the month... I was let go from my main job. The people I had been babysitting for no longer needed me. So yeah, I'm going to be home a lot more. It's kind of a mixed blessing. I'm glad I no longer have all that stress, but I kind of did like having the paycheck. XD 

One day at work it started raining. In Texas summer this is a big thing, so me and all the kids ran outside. We got soaked and it was a blast. The only thing that wasn't was drinking home wet. ;) 

A lot of times after work this month I met up with family for shopping, or dinners, which was pretty fun. =) 

We had our last day at the water park which felt to me like the end of summer. 

We had smores for no other reason then that we had the stuff for them. 

I did my first scavenger hunt, which was epic!! Our zoo hosted it. We had to find information, take pictures, do videos, and it really was a blast. We got an otter snuggly for participated, which was great! 

My sister Rebekkah and I at the zoo.

My bible study I attended started up again, and we met in the park to just get to know each other. We played Scattergories and 20 questions. It was awesome to meet up with them, even from six feet apart. <3 

A teacher of mine from co-op passed away mid-month. He was an absolutely amazing guy, and I wrote a post about him here. His was the fourth funeral I've ever gone to.

I realized I hadn't cleaned my SD cards off since March. O.o So suddenly deciding it must be done right away, I stayed up till midnight one night cleaning them off and going through the photos. It was worth it. ;) 

I joined my young adult's group in helping a family from our church move. It was a lot of work, but super fun. I hadn't gotten the chance to haul boxes and just hang out with my young adults group in a long time. We worked really hard, ate a lot of pizza, and just had a blast. 

I got to virtually watch High School Musical two with my friend Micaiah. <3 It is surprising how relevant that movie is. 

Yeah, I read a whopping six books. But I enjoyed all of them! A Portrait of Loyalty was my favorite. <3

What a Year Stories by Firefly 
Stars and Sparklers A Farm Girls Life 
Words and Life Once Upon a Ordinary 
Star Trek: Exploring Emotion The Destiny of One 

So yeah, this was not my best month, but there were definitely some awesome points! Have you ever been on a scavenger hunt? 


  1. Mikayla, reading your monthly highlights is always a highlight for ME. ❤ Thanks for sharing, and for linking back to my blog!! It always blesses me to know my simple posts are capable of bringing sunshine to someone's day. 😊
    Hope October is a marvelous month for you! 💗

    1. Aww, thank you so much! I didn't really want to put together this post so knowing you enjoyed it really blesses me. <3
      My pleasure! Your blog is such a blessing to me. I love the sunshine and joy you bring to each post.
      Thank you! Same to you!

  2. Sounds like a busy month. I've never been on a scavenger hunt, but I'd like to. :) My month was good, but busy as I tried to get everything done before I headed to work this month. But I got asked to start work a week early, so . . . That was different. :D

    1. It was really busy! I hope you get the chance. It was really fun! =D Well, that's not to bad. At least they want you. XD

  3. Hi Mikayla;
    Thank You for posting your September happenings. It is always nice to read what interests you have. Sorry about losing your job. A better one is probably right around the corner.
    Happy Autumn

    1. Aww, thank you so much! I really aprechiate it. I've already got a temporary job till January! After that, we'll just have to see. =)
      Thank you so much!

  4. Hi Mikayla, Thank You for the month highlights. I always look forward to these posts. Sorry about your teacher;s passing. It is too bad that you lost your job. Perhaps something even better may come along. I have never been on a scavenger hunt. Your list of books look interesting. Have a good week.God Bless.

    1. Aww, thank you so much. That means a lot to me. <3 Thanks. Hopefully!
      I hope your October is amazing, Marilyn!

  5. Awesome post, Mikayla!! I always love reading your updates :)

  6. A zoo scavenger hunt sounds really fun! I’m sorry about your teacher who passed away though ❤️

    1. The scavenger hunt was a blast! =D
      Thank you. <3


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