Saturday, December 5, 2020

November Highlights

This month had some ups and downs, but the good far outweighed the bad. <3

I was watching my favorite little kid. He's almost three, and I told him I loved him, and he said he loves me too. My heart just about melted. Two and three-year-olds are just about the best. <3

After a Bible study zoom one night me and my sisters made a late-night run to get ice cream. =D 

I had a cold for part of the month. It was rather uneventful, just mild discomfort and staying home. Thankfully it cleared up in a couple days and I was able to go back to work. But telling people your sick in 2020 is terrifying. XD 

I participated in NaNoWriMo. I had been unsure as to whether I was going to do it (Due to stress, and recent questions about the site) but I decided to go for it. I write 30 thousand words with of short story and book beginnings. Nothing stuck until I got to the last 20 thousand and I managed to write a Novella about my character Mandy.  I finished on the 27'th and really enjoyed my experience. I have never been so busy while doing NaNo. There were a lot of nights when I was writing till 1AM (A time of night I do not enjoy), and a lot of writing in the car between jobs, but I loved it. All the stress was worth creating again.  

A Bible study group I've been a part of met up in the park for the first time. After seeing everyone on Zoom for the last few months, it was super fun to be able to meet up in person (from six feet apart). 

My dad pinched a nerve in his back (super painful), and so we've been taking him to a lot of appointments. I've tagged along to keep my mom company, but thankfully he's finally starting to feel a bit better.  

I did a lot of Christmas shopping and wrapping. I had a bunch of fun buying things for my friends and wrapping them. <3 I was going to go black Friday shopping online, but the sheer volume of things on sale completely killed my enthusiasm, so I didn't. 

We had our family Thanksgiving celebration. We weren't able to go up and see my great-aunt this year, so we just stayed home, had fried chicken, and enjoyed being together. It was sad not to be with extended family, but I am so grateful my whole immediate family was able to be here. <3

I became a rep for They are an awesome company, so I was super excited when they started an ambassador program. I'll be one for six months and I'm super excited!!

Honestly, the best part of my whole month was getting to meet Jesseca Wheaton and Deborah Cook. We went to Magnolia Market (which honestly, I'm not really impressed by), and then we went to a drive-in For King and Country concert. It was pouring rain, so we all stood huddled under an umbrella and blankets freezing, but it was worth it! The songs sounded even better in person, though my favorite had to be hearing them sing Together and Priceless. <3

I am excited to be featuring both the books I've read and the movies I've watch this month!

Books: I re-read my all-time favorite Dear Mr. Knghtely along, and discovered The Story which was my favorite new read of the month. <3 The Traitors Game was also a first, but it was my least favorite due to the romance. 

Movies: I watched a lot this month, but most of it was re-watching. The far-right row was the four new movies I watched, none of which I liked. XD Unleashing Mr. Darcy and its sequel were my favorite thing I re-watched and A December Bride was my least favorite new movie. 

Most of the posts this month were Black Friday deals. XP

What If  Summer of 1999

Inktober 2020 A Farm Girls Life

Gingerbread Cookies Ellen's Musings 

20+ Unique & Thoughtful Gift Ideas A Farm Girls Life 

How was your Thanksgiving? Do you like the addition of movies in my posts?


  1. Aww, loved reading this! Little kids are the sweetest. The other day I was taking a walk with my sisters (ages six and two). It was really cold out and so we hurried to pick up the mail and head home. When my six-yr-old sister, Hope, began to slow on the way back, I said, "Pick it up, Hope!" Then she stopped entirely and turned to ask, "Pick up what?"
    I started laughing. "Your feet! It means go faster."
    A few minutes later, Sadie (my 2-yr-old sister), began to jog, but when I didn't follow her lead, she said, "Pick up your legs, Ellie!"
    Oops. 😂😂😂
    Thx for taking the time to write this, and for linking to my post!! ❤ I always enjoy your monthly wrap-ups.

    1. Aww, that is so cute. XD I love how little kids inturpert things! I remember getting so confused when people would tell me they were pulling my leg I was like "No your not." XD They tried to explain to me what that meant, and I never got it. XD
      My pleasure! You're posts are fantastic. <3

  2. I think it's amazing you did NaNo last month! Also, I used to LOVE the movie Nim's Island more than anything! I haven't thought about it in years... I should definitely watch it again soon.

    1. Aww, thank you!! Yeah, it used to be one of my favorites as well. It had been awhile since I watched it. It's a lot funnier now that I'm a writer. XD

  3. Thank You for the November highlights. I have watched a few of those movies.

  4. What a great list of movies and books you have listed fro November.

  5. We had fried chicken for Thanksgiving too. Sounds like a fun month!

    1. Ah, we're twinning. XD Seriously, it's an awesome meal. Thank you, it was!

  6. This is so fun! I love the picture of the leaves.

    1. Thank you! That was one of my favroites from this month!


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