Saturday, June 26, 2021

Life Lately

I  honestly just wanted to catch y'all up on some of the things that have happened recently and share some of my plans for the summer. 

Above is a picture of me from a hike my siblings and I went on. It was hot, and most of us ended up swimming in the river because it was just too awesome to resist. That led to walking around the grocery store wet, which was cold, but funny. XD 

My awesome sister Rose just left for Youth With a Mission discipleship training, so she'll be there for three months, then a two-month missions trip. I am super excited for her, but also, sad, cause I've never had to be without her this long before. She is running a blog though, if you want to keep up with her: Rose With A Mission.

I honestly don't love posting a lot of pictures of myself, but this one just fits the month. We had a big celebration for all of our birthdays since Rose is going to be gone so long. It was almost like Christmas in June! We had cake and spent a lot of time just talking. 

Just a random sunset from west Texas I loved. <3

My siblings and I went on a short weekend together like we do every year. It was a bit bittersweet because we know this will be our last time together for a while, but we had a blast just playing games, watching movies, and hanging out.

A photo from our birthday celebration. <3 Maybe not our most our together photo, but I just love us together. 

So our dog Belle had puppies!! Just three this time, two boys and one girl. They are adorable, in an ugly newborn puppy kind of way. XD The girl looks like a mini version of Belle! 

This is F.T. (The Grey one) and Orangesicle. O and I have been forming a bit of a friendship as I give him treats and he's learned that I can scratch under his chin. XD He has been such a happy thing in my world. 

This summer is already looking crazy full, but here are some of the things I'm hoping to do: 

1. Pick out my bridesmaid dress (One of my best friends is getting married!!!!).
2. Go for a lot of bike rides. 
3. Read a lot of books (My family has made a book challenge.) 
4. Watch fewer movies (I want to focus on what's in front of me). 
5. Write again. (I've gotten out of the habit). 

There's a lot more I'd love to put on this list, but that's it for now. What have y'all been up to lately? 


  1. Looks like such a fun summer!! I hope to read more this summer too!

    I went to the farmer’s market in my town yesterday for the first time and that was so much fun!


    1. Anything you're hoping to read this summer?

      Fun! I can't wait to see Salados farmers market!

  2. Hi Mikayla, Thank You for this interesting update. You and your family sure have a lot of fun and keep yourselves busy. I have been taking care of the front lawn and the flowers. I mowed the grass a few weeks ago. The grass is turning brown due to lack of rain. I am reading the 6th book in The Mitford Series by Jan Karon. Keep cool and have a safe and HAPPY JULY 4TH. God Bless.

    1. Eh, that's sad. I hope it rains soon! Oh, fun! I've heard about her books, but have never read them. Thank you!

  3. Hi Mikayla;
    Nice hearing from you. You sure have a busy and active life. We watched the movie "Yankee Doodle Dandy starring James Cagney. What a talent! I am reading book 4 of The Everstone Chronicles by Dawn Crandall. Today it is 94 degrees and supposed to go up to 97 and the same for tomorrow. We are not HOT weather people. Give us the COLD anytime.

    1. We do. XD Oh, I've never read those, but they sound interesting! Aww, I'm sorry! Yeah, it's getting hot here to. Hopefully it cools off for y'all. <3

  4. Aw, great update and I’m so glad you had a nice summer :)


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