Saturday, June 5, 2021

May Highlights

May was a whirlwind month so cramed full I feel like I barley stopped. But it was good. =)

I served for the first time in our churches children's ministry! It was delightful! I don't like missing the sermon (Until I can listen to it later), but I love hanging with the kids and helping them with crafts. In other church news we had a farewell dinner for one of our pastors (My young adults pastor). We hadn't had a casual dinner like that together since COVID started. Even our picnic was much more structured and distanced. This was amazing. <3

We had celebrated my moms birthday early, but on her actually birthday we all spontaniously decided to meet up for lunch. It was really fun. =D
My family has a really good patch of woods behind our property and we used to have a path up there, but its grown over. My sister and I spent a couple days clearing the path, so now we can walk up the again!

Rebekkah, my mom, and I went on a hike in Colorado Bend state park. It was more intense then I'm used to, but the view was worth it! The pictures from my Love Defined posts were from that hike. 

Both of the bible study's I attend ended for the summer. One of them ended with a group meetup in person, since we hadn't been able to meet much at all with COVID. The other ended with a group hike and late night snacks. =D

I got to go my favorite little girls birthday party. She turned five, and had a Mulan birthday party, had a face painter. I got my arm painted with a purple butterfly. =) I hadn't been to a kids birthday party in a LONG time, and it was delightful. 

We've been trying to tame our barn cat kitten, and my sister named it Orangesicle. I finally got to pick it up this month! He's getting used to us really quickly! 


Rebekkah and I finally decided that we didn't like our purple and yellow walls anymore, so my bother came over and helped us re-paint. I might do a better tour of our room later, but this at least shows the new creamy lilac purple! It took us three days to empty our room, paint, and get all our stuff back in. 

It rained an insain amount. At this point I am sick of rain, which I'm not used to, because normally its super dry around here. 

Rebekkah and I went on a working vacation with some friends of ours. We went to the beach and  helped watch the kids. It was fantastic! We got to play with the boys in the water, chill on the beach, and just hang out with them. 

Since there aren't many adult reading challenges, so my family decided to start our own. We each made our own goals and made reading charts. My goal is to read 28 books over the next three months. Since I don't have work, it should be a fun challenge! 

All the Boxcar Children, and Marcia Schulyler were re-reads. Marcia Schulyer was my favorite re-read and I didn't really like either of my new reads. 

Yellow Rose of Texas Rewatch: My sister is a big Roy Rogers fan, so we re-watched this together. I'm not a huge fan of westerns, but Roy Rogers is awesome.

Frozen Rewatch: This was with some of the kids I babysit, but I enjoyed it a lot. 

Tangled TV: I have been slowly watching through this show with some of the kids I babysit, and a few times on my own. Its cute, but nothing amazing. If you're a Tangled fan, it's cute. 

Kit Kittredge, Samantha, Molly America Girl: My sister mentioned these the other day. We hadn't watched them since they were kids and enjoyed them all. Honestly, if you just need some cute movies to chill with, these are great!

Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs 1&2: The boys I watch wanted to watch these. They were wacky, and entertaining, but nothing amazing. 

The Chosen 2:4 2:5: These we not my favorite episodes. They were super well done, but I had some trouble watching them for personal reasons. 

Wacky babies Rewatch: This was a movie where they voice over baby animals, and it is a riot. I laughed so hard. XD 

Boxcar Children surprise island: This is a really simplistic cartoon, and one of the most relaxing movies I've watched in forever.

Mission impossible Rewatch: Same as always. This show is an awesome. We dived back into season one, which we haven't watched in awhile, so that's fun.

Voyager Rewatch: Just five more episodes! We're almost done!

Kitchen Sink Summer of 1999
Seeing Voices Books for Christian Girls 
Birthday Explorations A Farm Girls Life
How was your month?


  1. Thank You for the May highlights. You had a busy May. Glad you had a lot of fun,too. God Bless.

  2. Hi Mikayla, That birthday party for the little girl sounds like a lot of fun. Here in New York we have not had much rain. Looking forward to your June highlights. God Bless.

    1. It was a blast! Ohh, nice! I'm getting really teird of the rain. XD Thank you. <3

  3. Great post, girl. Love your new bedroom colours!


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