Saturday, March 19, 2022

Winter is Leaving

The nights grow shorter 

Sunshine warms my skin 

The sky seems bluer 

Winter is leaving 

Trees swell with leaves 

Flowers blanket the ground 

Warm breezes begin 

Winter is leaving 

The grass turns green again 

It’s the time for little things be born 

New life is everywhere 

Winter is leaving 

Spring is coming 

The days are longer 

Dandelions begin to spring up 

My heart seems to warm with the air 

Winter is leaving 

Spring is coming

It’s the time of new begingings 

And of hope 

And of trusting in God’s plan 

Winter is leaving 

Spring is coming 

Sweet flowers fill the air 

Sunshine warms my skin 

Moonlight fills the crisp nights 

Spring is coming 

I feel it deep in my soul 

I’m ready for new life 

I’m ready for new growth 

Spring is here 

And I’m finally ready

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Your comments are one of my favorite things ever! Just be clean and respectful and we'll get along great. Keep changing the world!