Wednesday, July 10, 2019

The Old River Road

The Old River Road  is celebrating its 3rd birthday, and we’re having a party! But it’s not just any party. We’re also celebrating the book’s re-release of a whole new edition with new content and the author’s new pen name.

The Old River Road was the author’s debut novel, published under then pen name Ivy Rose. Now, she has changed her pen name to her real name—Hailey Rose. This new edition reflects the name change, along with some brand new sections inside.

Haven’t heard about the book before? Here’s a formal introduction!

When seventeen-year-old Clara Boutwell married her dashing coworker, William McDonald, she was convinced her life was nearly perfect. For newlyweds in the great city of Chicago, the journey ahead was exciting and promising. When a frightening disease takes William in its grip, the young couple is forced to the clean air of the western frontier in a desperate attempt to save his life. On the eastern Washington prairies, the McDonalds face hardships and trials in a new world where everything is tested, from physical endurance to emotional strength—down to their relationship and faith in the Lord.

This novel tells the incredible true story of Clara and William, the great-great grandparents of the author, in a sweet narrative full of laughter, tears, and the struggles of an early pioneering family. Prepare yourself to share in their experience as you read this account of a pioneer family in Washington state, and see their lasting legacy that has endured into the fifth generation.

About the Author: Hailey is a young novelist with a passion to create beautiful fiction. Armed with a desire to make scenarios readers can easily relate to, she writes in many genres about ordinary individuals faced with extraordinary choices. Two of her novels have been independently published. As a chronic illness warrior, Hailey eagerly encourages others to find joy no matter what the circumstances. In her free time, she loves dancing, playing music, and enjoying various outdoor activities in the Pacific Northwest.

Instagram: @AuthorHaileyRose

If you haven't read this book, follow the link right here to get it on Amazon. It is amazing. It's so unlike most novels out there.

Also, there are still two days to enter my giveaway here.


  1. I loved being a part of The Old River Road's release tour when it first came out. It's such a great book, and a re-release is so exciting! xx

    1. That is so cool that you were part of the release! That's awesome! I loved this book. =)

  2. I can't wait to read this book! :)

    1. It's super good, I hope you get to read it soon!


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