Friday, July 5, 2019

20 || Giveaway

Today is my twentieth birthday. I think it was pretty awesome that it landed on Friday, my posting day. So this is my first birthday on my new blog. =)

I turn 20 today. I'm pretty excited about this because it means several awesome things:

1. I am no longer a teenager (Still have mixed thoughts on that).

2. I am officially old enough people might stop asking my parents why they're letting me do things on my own.

3. I have survived two decades. (100% by the grace of God)

4. Now all my siblings and I are in our twenties.

5. I am holding a giveaway!

So I decided to celebrate I would hold a giveaway just for fun. I will be giving away a ten dollar amazon gift card! The giveaway is open internationally and it will be open for one week. I'll announce the winner next Friday.

Good luck!


  1. Happy birthday, Mikayla! I hope this new year brings abundant blessings, unimagined delight in the goodness of our Heavenly Father, and joy beyond measure!

    1. Thank you, Rebekah! I really aprechaite it! =D

  2. How interesting! I'm going to be turning 20 this year, too! (In August.) I also have mixed thoughts about no longer being a teenager but I also know that it is by God's grace that I have lived this long!

    1. That is awesome! Happy (Very, very early) birthday! With God, you've got this!!

  3. Happy 20th birthday, sweet friend! I hope you have a wonderful day. <3 <3

    1. Thank you so much, Gray!! It was an awesome day! <3

  4. Happy birthday girl. I hope you have an amazing 20th year. XOXO

  5. Lol, I like #2! ;) #1 is good though. I’m 18 and in two more years I’ll be in your shoes. :o

    ~Katja L.

    1. Lol, thanks!! =D Have a great two years of being a teen!

  6. Happy belated birthday!!! <3


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