Friday, August 2, 2019

July Highlights

July was a simply amazing month. I couldn't have asked for a better birthday month! 

Well, one of the first things that happened this month was that I turned 20! I had an awesome time with my family. We went to the zoo, had pizza, and just an all-around awesome day.

I did Camp NaNoWriMo this month. My goal was to edit 54 pages of my book, and I reached it a bit early! So I got to start in on my next round of edits.

It was two of my siblings birthday's this month as well, so my sister and I baked cupcakes. I tested a candle and managed to accidentally leave it burning. So there was a burned line about four inches long. I felt silly for having done it, but thankfully my mom was able to just paint over it. =)

I watched all four toy story movies for the first time this month. I didn't like number one, but I loved two and three. I have very mixed feelings about four. ;D I also saw Newsies for the first time!

My phone died, so I got a new one. I got an old Google Pixel, which has worked pretty well. =)

My family had a day where we watched old family videos. It was fun to re-visit a bit of our past, and see how little me looked. ;)

Belle: Because, well, she's adorable.

We had a cold front, which is pretty unusual in July. It was 60 for a couple mornings.

I did so much swimming with my siblings. It was great.

The day before my driving test, I found out that I needed one more class I needed to take. So I rushed and took the class. The next day, I took my test and I GOT MY DRIVERS LICENSE!!! I am so excited to finally have my license! =D The guy who did my test was really nice and was super patient even though I pretty much flunked parallel parking. I didn't get a great score, but I got enough to pass! =D

Stargazing was amazing this month.

It was a pretty slow month for reading, but I really enjoyed what I did read! Lord, Change My Attitude was a pretty life-changing book (pun intended). But seriously, it was amazing. So was A-Spying We Will Go. 

Surprise! Aria
What Free Speach is Not The Left-Handed Typest
The Cost of Exaggeration Little Blossoms for Jesus
A Phone Call || Made Me Think Once Upon the Ordinary 

How was your July? What's your favorite book that you've read lately?


  1. Happy August!
    July sounds like it was a good month for you! <3 Congrats on getting your license and turning 20 -- two major things. AHH!
    I turn 21 in just a few weeks and it's a bit surreal.

    1. It was a very good month! It was pretty awesome.
      Ohh, how awesome! Happy belated birthday!

  2. Congratulations on passing you driver's test. It is a great accomplishment. Glad you had a nice birthday. Happy Birthday to your sisters.

  3. Hi Mikayla;
    Good for you on passing your drivers license. Belated Happy Birthday to you sisters. Congratulations on turning 20.

    1. Thank you! I am really excited to be driving. =D <3

  4. Congrats on your driver's license! That's so great. :DD

    And happy late birthday <3

  5. Awww, thanks for featuring my post! <3 I’m glad you enjoyed it :)

    You already saw my July wrap-up... xD it was a good month ;)
    ~Katja L.


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