Saturday, October 5, 2019

Five Fall Favorites || Top Five of 2019 (So far)

Hey there! It's hard to believe it's the last day of Five Fall Favorites already! To end us off here on my blog, I've got my top five books from this year so far!

Note: All titles are linked to Goodreads.

Lord, Change my Attitude by James MacDonald. This book is one of the most convicting books I've read in years. It's about how our attitudes impact every part of our life, and how important it is to have a good one.

Left Turn to the Promised Land by Rachel Starr Thomson. This book was so incredibly encouraging to my faith and my writing career.

The Number of Love by Roseanna M. White. I've already talked some about this book, but it deserves a second slot. The romance was the sweetest, the characters were stunning, and it had a good look at history.

Plan to Fail by Perry Elisabeth Kirkpatrick. This series. <3 It's about an accedentaly spy who happens to be super adorable. This is the second book in the series, but it was my favorite so far.

The Protector by Dee Henderson. This is the fourth book in the O'Malley series, and I read it for the first time this year. It was amazing.

Make sure to hop over to Rebekah Morris's blog (Read Another Page: linked below) to find the links to all the other posts and follow the link here to a giveaway for the books pictured above!


  1. The Emily Abbott books just keep getting recommended today—I really need to read them!

    1. They are pretty awesome! I hope you can read them soon! =D

  2. I need to read Lord Change my Attitude. That's the only one on this list I haven't read.

    1. It is super good. Grace has the audio and the paperback if you need it. ;)

  3. These sound so good! I’ve only read Emily Abbott. :)

    1. Well, those are pretty epic. =D I hope you get a chance to read more of these! =D

  4. The Protector is the best of the O'Malley series!

    Abigail @readwritebreathe

  5. Yes, Emily Abbott! :D The rest sound really good too.

    Thank you for jumping in and being a part of the 2019 Five Fall Favorites! You had some great books! :)

    1. Emily Abbott books are awesome. =D

      My pleasure! Thanks for including me! =D

  6. Thank you Mikayla for this list. Rosanna White's books are always special.

  7. This is an interesting list of books.

  8. I really really really want to read The Number of Love!!!!!

    1. It's super awesome, I hope you can read it soon!!


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