Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Five Fall Favorites || Historical Non-fiction

Hello! Today I've got Historical Non-fiction. I'm afraid I didn't do great with this category. But I hope you enjoy it anyway!

Note: All titles are linked to Goodreads.

A Chance to Die by Elisabeth Elliot. This is a book about a great woman by a great woman. Seriously, it's the best biography I have ever read.

God's Smuggler by Brother Andrew. This book was so incredibly encouraging for my faith. Brother Andrew is an amazing guy.

The Hiding Place by Corrie Ten Boom. If you haven't read this book, you should. It's amazing.

David Livingstone by Janet Benge & Geoff Benge. He's one of my heroes and I loved this book.

Patricia St. John by Irene Howat. Patricia St. John is one of my favorite authors, and I was really excited to find a book about her.

Make sure to hop over to Rebekah Morris's blog (Read Another Page: linked below) to find the links to all the other posts and follow the link here to a giveaway for the books pictured above!


  1. I’ve read #3... the Elisabeth Elliott book & Brother Andrew book look really good! Oh, and the Livingstone book—I love missionary biographies!

    1. The Hiding Place is pretty awesome! Oh, they both are, I hope you can check them out!

  2. God's Smuggler is one of my favorites! But also I love all these people! I read several of Patricia St. John's books growing up!

    1. It is a pretty awesome book! Her books were my favorite as a kid. =)

  3. Wow, everyone is recommending The Hiding Place. I read it this year. Loved David Livingston and really want to read God's Smuggler!

    1. It is a really awesome book! David Livingston was such an awesome guy. I hope you get to read God's Smuggler soon!

  4. The Hiding Place is so good!!!! :D I have God's Smuggler, but haven't read it yet.

    1. It is an amazing book! Ohh, I hope you can read it soon, it's awesome!

  5. Ohh, I've heard a lot of good things about God Smuggler!

  6. Oh, I've read three on your list today! A Chance to Die, The Hiding Place, and David Livingston. I love the biographies by Janet & Geoff Benge.
    That biography about Patricia St. John sounds interesting.

    1. Awesome! I love their books! It's really cool, I hope you can read it!

  7. I love Patricia St. John’s books!! Now I want to read that book! It’s neat to see how many people love The Hiding Place. And God’s Smuggler... *all the heart eyes*

    1. Me to! I hope you can, it's awesome! They are pretty amazing books.

  8. I’ve read and enjoyed the first four of these! Great list!

  9. I've read The Hiding Place and God's Smuggler. I've read Through Gates of Splendor by Elizabeth Eliot but bout A Chance to Die.

    1. Awesome! I have not read that one yet! I should check it out. =)

  10. Thanks for sharing! I've just gone to look up a few of the books! :D


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