Thursday, October 3, 2019

Five Fall Favorites || Sibling Stories

Hey everyone! Today is one of my favorite categories: sibling stories!!! I love sibling stories and had trouble narrowing it down to these five.

Note: All titles are linked to Goodreads.

Becoming Nikki by Ashley Elliott. This book has the strongest sibling relation I've ever read in a book. It's also got ice skating and no romance. It's awesome.

Through the Tunnel by Rebekah Morris. It's about foster kids, strong Christian families, and gorgeous descriptions.

The Negotiator by Dee Henderson. It's about a girl negotiator (I bet you guessed that. ;) ), a big family, and lots of action.

Resistance by Jaye L. Knight. This has an epic plot, brother-sister interaction, and an amazing theme.

Brothers at Arms by John J. Horn. I know, you've already seen this one on here. ;) But it's about two brothers, trekking across the world, and learning to love the differences in people.

Make sure to hop over to Rebekah Morris's blog (Read Another Page: linked below) to find the links to all the other posts and follow the link here to a giveaway for the books pictured above!



  1. Ah!!! All books on my TBR!! Particularly the Ashley Elliott one and Rebekah’s!!

  2. I have Resistance, but I haven't read it all the way yet. A little different than I'm used to, but interesting. I definitely want to read the others!

    1. Ohh, it's really good! There's only one book left to come out in the series, so you've joined at a good time. ;) They just keep getting better!

  3. Resistance is one of my favorite books! That series truly portrays beautiful sibling relationships. And now I really want to read Becoming Nikki and Through the Tunnel.

    1. It really is awesome!! Oh, those two are awesome! I hope you get to read them soon!

  4. These all look fabulous—and hey, Through the Tunnel and The Negotiator were on my list today, too! Great minds think alike! ;)

  5. Oh, I want to read "Becoming Nikki"! The more I hear of it, the more I want to get it.
    Thanks for sharing my book. :)

    1. It's a super awesome book! It seems like something you would really like!
      My pleasure! It's an awesome book. =)

  6. Most of these books are on my TBR. I have read the entire O'Malley series and Ann glad it's in the list.

  7. I've always wanted to read "Brother at Arms" - looks really good! :D

    1. It's a really awesome book. I hope you can read it!

  8. Number 2 and 3 are now on my TBR!! ;)

    1. Oh, those are both amazing, I hope you get to read them soon! =D

  9. These all look so neat! I loved Through the Tunnel.

  10. Thank you for this list.

  11. Love Brothers at Arms so much! It's on my list today too! :D And I've listened to the one by Rebekah too.

    1. It's an awesome book! That's so cool! I just got the audio book a little while ago.


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