Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Five Fall Favorites || World Fiction

Hello everyone! Today I'm sharing five books that take place around the world. Read to the end for info on a giveaway and a surprise!

Note: All titles are linked to Goodreads.

The Number of Love by Roseanna M. White takes place in England. It's also about a woman codebreaker and involves characters who bond over being odd together. It's awesome.

Left to Die by Hailey Rose takes place in China. It's got super strong pro-life themes, kids that melt your heart, and down to earth characters you can relate to.

From the Dark to the Dawn by Alicia A. Willis takes place in Rome. It's got a story so powerful it left me crying, it's got incredibly rounded characters and a super light romance.

The Robe by Lloyd C. Douglas takes place in Rome. This book is about the soldier who crucified Jesus, really understanding your faith, and getting to see biblical events from a close-up perspective.

Brothers at Arms by John J. Horn is set in Peru. It's about brother relationships, trekking through the jungle, and adventure.

Make sure to hop over to Rebekah Morris's blog (Read Another Page: linked below) to find the links to all the other posts and follow the link here to a giveaway for the books pictured above!

And today there is a free e-book! Kates Innocence by Sarah Holman! Follow this link, or click on the Books image to get your free copy!



  1. Eeeeeeee!!! I’m so excited about this freebie!!! I’ve wanted to read it so bad!! Thanks, girls!!
    *coughs* I’ve read Hailey’s book, but none of the others. They all sound so good! (Gonna sound like a broken record with that phrase... ugh... it’s true for almost every single post!)

    1. It's a pretty awesome book!! I hope you enjoy it!! =D
      Lol, that's okay! Her book is really good. =D

  2. I loved Left to Die! So heart breaking! Definitely checking out the others! And I love today's freebie! Read it this year from my sisters kindle! Now I get my own copy! *happy dance*

    1. Left to Die was so heartbreaking and amazing!! I hope you get to read the rest! Isn't it awesome? One of my favorite books! =D

  3. I recently read Brothers At Arms and really liked it (with some qualifiers), so I was excited to see it on your list! And thanks for the free book! I haven't read any in that series yet.

    1. That book is pretty awesome! Lol, I know the feeling. Rarely do I like a book without at least some qualifiers. ;D
      Well, you can really thank my sister, Sarah. She's an awesome author. I hope you enjoy the book!

  4. Yay!! Free books! And WOW, I really want to read #2, #4, and #5!! I remember seeing Brothers at Arms in the Vision Forum catalog. <3

    1. Free book are always awesome. =D I hope you get the chance!! Yeah, I really miss Vision Forum. =/

  5. Replies
    1. Indeed. The free one my sister awesomely agreed to give away is my favorite. <3

  6. The Robe is a good book. :) I really want to read Left to Die soon!!

    1. It really is! =D I hope you get to read it soon, it's awesome!

  7. *cries* I haven't read any of these! Definitely want to, though!

  8. The Number of Love has been on my TBR and I really want to read it!!! And same with Left to Die!!

    1. They are both awesome books! I hope you get to read them soon!

  9. I can't believe it! You listed From the Dark to the Dawn. I love that book! (I own all of Alicia's books.)

    1. It's a pretty awesome book! Ohh, that's so cool! I've only read two of hers, but I really want to work my way through the rest!

  10. Oh, I love "Left to Die." I need to go read it again. :)
    Thanks for sharing these books.

    1. Me to! I just re-read it for the first time this year, and felt like hugging it. ;)

  11. Good reads.

  12. I really want to read those first two!

    1. Ohh, they are both awesome! I hope you get to read them soon!!

  13. I really enjoyed Brothers at Arms! In fact I have it on my list for the Siblings day :P

    1. That's awesome! Lol, well, it's a good sibling story!

  14. Ahh, haven't read these, but they look so good!


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