Friday, June 7, 2019

May Highlights

Well, May turned out to be a super fast, but good month! It was pretty eventful. =) 

There were some pretty huge storms here this month. Which not only caused a lot of rain, but they rained a couple of events out.

We celebrated my moms birthday at a really awesome Tex-Mex restaurant, with lots of laughter and hugs. We put away a lot of fajitas. ;D

Gray Marie got to come over and spend the night. She taught me how to play spicey Uno, we watched emergency and had hot dogs. We also played some pretty intense Jenga, shopped in downtown Taylor, and had a pretty good time. =)

We had a party at our house and a group of about 15 young adults played a game of frisbee. There was a lot of dodging involved since most of us were not great aim and ended up almost hitting people. ;)

A stray cat has adopted us, though it does refuse to let us touch it. In May it had six adorable kittens, who are all the same shade of gray as her. 

My parents went on a week-long trip, so every day after my siblings got off work we would eat pizza and watch Mission Impossibles. Was it good for our health? No. Was it delicious and full of great memories? Yes. Yes it was.

I completed my fifth hundredth workout. *Blows out for a long time* Can't say it's been fun, but I'm getting to enjoy it a lot more then I used to. And due to the fact I wasn't super careful, I sprained my ankle. And then my wrist this month. Thankfully both at different times. =)

I decided to have fun, so I pulled out some old paints I had, stuck my fingers in the paint and had fun. If you ever get the chance, do this. It's amazing.

The awesome Kate buddy read Beautiful Blue World and Threads of Blue with me. Both awesome books, and I really enjoyed getting to buddy read again! It's always good to have friends to cry over pages with me and encourage me that writing in books is not a crime. =)

A lot of these were pretty short books, so I managed to get through sixteen. I don't even know how to choose a favorite book from this pile. *Hugs all the books*

The Library A Farmgirls Life
A Life Update All I Know is Grace
The 5 Stages of Finishing a Book Once Upon the Ordinary
35 Things I Learned Sophomore Year of High School Sunshine and Joy

How was your May? Have you ever buddy read a book?


  1. Aw, sounds like you had a good month! 16 books is awesome!! I really want to read Left to Die!

    1. It was a really good month!Thanks! I think I only got that many becasue of how short they were. ;D I hope you can, it's an amazing book!

  2. Looks like fun, Mikayla! I can’t wait to buddy-read—some girls in the cabin and I are going to buddy read my favourite book. ^_^ That bookpile of yours looks good! I spy some old friends in there too. ;) I hope the library had gotten “Threads of Blue” so I can get it bet time we’re there!
    ~Katja L.

    1. Ahh! That is so awesome!! Buddy reading is a blast. I've never been able to do one of my favorite books, I hope you have fun!! I hope you can read it. It is beautiful. <3


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