Monday, September 30, 2019

Five Fall Favorites || Real Heros

Hey everyone! I'm kind of taking an unexpected dive into Five Fall Favorites hosted by Rebekah Morris. There is also a giveaway, so more info on that at the bottom of the page.

Today I'm doing a post of my five top stories about real heroes. Or in my case, fictional characters that displayed heroic character. Some of them were just heroes to me. So here we go!

Never by J. Grace Pennington. These characters stand for what they believe and hold to it even with extream results.

Christy by Catherine Marshal. Christy is such a relatable, yet amazing character. This book really shows the impact one person can have on a lot of people.

The Heart of Arcrea by Nicole Sager. Druet, the main character, is definitely a hero. Uniting people, displaying great character, and sharing his faith. He also goes on an epic quest and fights some pretty horrible beasts.

A Different Kind of Courage by Sarah Holman. If anyone fits here, it's William. You'd really have to read the book to know why though because of spoilers.

Wren by Rachel Rossano. These main characters show an amazing amount of integrity and loyalty. They stick up for people and are generally pretty amazing.


Make sure to hop over to Rebekah Morris's blog (Read Another Page: linked below) to find the links to all the other posts and follow the link here to a giveaway for the books pictured above!



  1. Neat list! I’m not familiar with any of these books, but they sound good!

  2. AHHHHH I should've put Never on my list!!

  3. I think I’ve read all of these but #3. Such great heroes! Especially in Never.

    1. Awesome! The Heart of Arcrea is pretty awesome, I hope you can read it sometime! Never is the best. <3

  4. I love “A Different Kind of Courage”!!! It was so good!

  5. Wow, the only book I've read from your list is "A Different Kind of Courage" and I really enjoyed it. :) I guess I should check out a few more.
    Thanks for jumping in at the last minute! :D

    1. Lol, well I guess most of these are outside the genre's you noramally read. =) You would proably like Christy though!
      My pleasure!

  6. Hello Mikayla! I'm new here, as you can see. :) I loved Christy! It was so memorable. <3

    1. It's so good to have you here! Thanks for stopping by! It really is an awesome book. <3

  7. <3 I'm honored for one of my books to make this list.

    1. Yours would be on all the lists if I thought people would believe I wasn't rigging it. ;D But seriously, how could William not be on this list??

  8. You aren't the only one who recommended Christy. I'll have to read it.

  9. Mikayla I like your choices. This is a great giveaway.

  10. The Wren book looks amazing!


  11. I haven't read any of those books yet, but I have Christy on my TBR list! :)

    1. Oh, fun! That book is amazing! I hope you get to read it soon!

  12. Ohh, I've seen some of these mentioned in other party rooms! Although, I haven't read any of these yet... ;)

  13. Great list of favorites. Nice giveaway.

  14. Fun! The only one I've read is Christy.
    ~Writer Girl

  15. Definitely!
    ~Writer Girl


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