Friday, January 3, 2020

Hello 2020 (Goals for the new year)

Happy 2020 y'all! I hope you've had a fantastic opening to this new year, I know I have. I had fun seeing the new year roll in with all my siblings sleepily piled onto our couch, playing Wii until just before it turned midnight. I thought it would be fun to start off the new year by sharing some of my goals for 2020. I don't typically share my goals, so this is a new thing for me.

1. I want to make a budget and stick to it. Now that I am working consistently outside the house a few hours every week, I've really seen the need to get back to budgeting really well. I used to be better at it, but somehow I have gotten out of the habit, so now I am going to try to get back to it.

2. Walk 10k step Mon-Fri. I have a fitness watch and don't take advantage of the step count nearly enough. I want to get myself back into the healthy habit of walking more.

3. Super secret but big plan that might involve something I've wanted to show y'all for awhile now. Yeah, I totally just put this in the frustrate whoever reads this. But I'm telling y'all, I'm excited.

4. I want to memorize 12 verses. It's a pretty low aim, but I figure 12 verses are better than the one or two that I normally do in a year, and I want to build a habit of memorization.

5. Write/edit four of my stories. I have three written, waiting to be edited, and one that I need to finish. I want to finish all of those projects up at least with the basic edits.

6. Learn the basics of piano. I have a sister who is a fantastic piano player, who is willing to teach me, and somehow I have never taken advantage of that. Feel free to bug me about this one.

7. Spend less time on my phone. I've noticed all too often I am out with my family, but I'm on my phone, and I want to stop that. So, I'm going to try to leave my phone in my room more, and just not pick it up as often. I've gotten to attached. =P

So that's about it. What are some of your goals for the year? 


  1. I highly recommend the Bible memory app (from if you need a method of memorizing scripture! It makes it soooo easy and fun (of course it requires being on your phone thoughXD)

    1. Ohh, I will look into that! Thank you so much for the recomendation! Lol, I think that would be a good use of phone time. ;D

  2. I want to take more walks too!
    And your secret plan sounds so exicitnggg. :D
    I memorize verses by writing them on notecards and putting them in places I'll see them daily, my headboard is now covered and it works well for me!

    1. Maybe next time we meet up we should do some walking. ;D
      Haha, thanks! Hopefully I'll have enough of it together that I can post about it soon!
      Cool! I have a app that I use for the most part, but I might try verse cards since I'm trying to get off my phone more!


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